My name is Gracen Harmon.
Welcome to my portfolio site! Have a look around.
Adobe Creative Suite
Wix Website Creator
Illustrator, Photoshop, & InDesign
Fine Arts
Illustration, Painting,
& Textiles
what i believe in
There is a fine line between what we consider to be digital and analogue art. Unfortunately, that line often separates them entirely, and causes opposing perspectives from their audiences. These being: “one is created with technology, and the other is made with human hands. So only one of them must be ‘real’ art.” But what if I told you that they each start in the same exact place? They both begin as an idea, then a sketch, then a process, then an execution, and finally a product. The product being a beautiful work of art.
Through my work as a graphic and fine artist, I hope to help my audience realize that digital and analogue art can exist harmoniously with each other. There is beauty within both types, especially when they come together. It just takes an open eye and mind to see it in its entirety.